Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing 13

Online productivity tools.

Well, I already have an iGoogle because of Blogger, so I decided to use that. There are a lot of widgets to add, so I messed about with that. Added some weather sites and news sites; removed a couple of the defaults, like a youtube best video widget. Lots of fun there, though I stayed away from the games and things. We're meant to be productive after all. (Except for the penguin poking game.) Obviously I share this computer so I won't make it the homepage or anything like that, but I still have it.

I read the article and decided to go with the Google calender because it was the best and because I already have the google stuff. One does tend to stick with a brand, doesn't one? Calenders are always useful though I wish it could sync with my palm pilot calender.

I signed up for the "Remember the Milk" to do list because it looked friendly. Sign up was quick and I could add it to my iGoogle page. You can sync it with your blackberry but only if you pay for an account and I am too cheap!

Backpack might be useful at work, though I think our email system does some of this stuff too. The shared thing might be nice.

Zamzar is COOL! Wonder if I can make it convert things for my palm pilot? I usually use poor mojo.

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