Friday, January 25, 2008

Thing 4

I can't watch the video right now, but I thought I would put a little bit in this entry to start.

I have used flickr and photobucket. Photobucket is my personal account and flickr is what I use for pictures for my Manga and Graphic Novel blog I do for the library. I have never used tags, but I didn't really expect there to be much interest in the pictures I put in the accounts.

The flickr pictures are mostly avatars I like to add to my entries. I also used to put pictures of book covers in the flickr account and then add them to the entries, but I have another way of doing that now. I am not sure if that is copyright friendly, although my use is fair use, I think. So I don't suppose I would want to tag those pictures.

Anyway. I decided to search tags in Flickr using "Harry Potter Fan Art." Several pictures and pictures of 3-d artwork (statues, clothes, etc.) came up. This one is actually a dojinshi cover, so I am not sure who the original artist is. It was on mutantfrog's photostream.

Ok. Posting the picture didn't work. I guess I will try again...

ok. still doesn't seem to be showing up. If I switch to "Edit HTML" I can see the code.

Maybe it takes a while for the picture to show up? Maybe I should get a picture from my own account?

Here's a link to the picture I wanted to use:

Libraian Winter 2

Here's a link to the picture in my account. I made the avatar on
Yes, there is a typo in the title.

My flickr experience was apparently kind of annoying. It is easy to use my own photos because I can get the code for them and just put the code right into the blog. I still don't know why the other picture didn't work.

I wonder if photobucket would be easier? Let's see... I searched on "Library Cat." on_the_way_2005 has a toy cat she calls library cat, apparently. The toy cat is featured in several photos. This one featured the toy cat and his real counterpart.

I think the blogger uploader hates me. Photobucket has given me the code for the picture so I will put that in.
library cat and Midnight

maybe I hate the blogger uploader.

Ok. A colleague showed me how to get the stupid blogger uploader to work.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thing 3

I suppose I could learn to like RSS, but more likely it will be something I just never get around to checking. I am not keen on the bundles, but since I can remove links I don't like I guess that's okay.

If I were inclined to add links to feeds, I would probably prefer to just add sites I happen to like on the spot, rather than searching out sites.

I thought there would be a way to attach the rss feed to my blog as a link or something, but I guess not.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thing 2

Wow. Library 2.0. I can hear some of my old grad school professors exploding. Mind you, I think we're probably somewhere in the Library 5.0 or higher. Maybe Library X or Library Jaguar.

We know time is always an issue--Stephen Abram shares some ideas on where to find the time for 23 Things. Where will you find the time?
Some I can do at work and some I am doing at home. I mostly wanted to watch the movie clip at home because the computers at work aren't always keen on such things. Otherwise, I can do a bit here or there.

Why are you participating in 23 Things On a Stick? What do you hope to learn? I am participating because I was curious. Looks kind of interesting. Learning a few new things. I guess I would like to learn more about various resources, uses for the internet, stuff like that.

How has the Internet and the vast resource it can be affected your use of time at work and/or at home? At home? I spend time on the net. I chat with friends, play games, read stuff, etc. At work? I can't imagine ordering books without the net. I look up reviews, check pub dates, and make up the whole lists of books to order. I can look up all those weird animals kids get assigned to report on. I can find articles and such. I don't quite trust wikipedia for straight facts, but they are pretty good for popular culture information.

Where are you in your knowledge and use of Web 2.0 tools? How about your library? No clue. I guess I am pretty comfortable with Library 2.0 stuff.

What are you looking forward to in 23 Things On a Stick? hopefully I will learn some new and exciting stuff. Maybe ways to use the internet more efficiently.

first post

This is my first entry in my 23 things on a stick blog.

Today is cold.

I have blogged on LJ, IJ, GJ, Wordpress, and now Blogger. There first three are pretty simular. I like Wordpress, which seems to have a few more features than those. Blogger is pretty nice too.

I like being able to choose a pretty template. I like the setting and adding features I can do with Blogger.