Monday, February 25, 2008

Thing 7

Email: Brilliant!

Obviously staff can email each other, email groups, etc. While not as personal as a conversation, at least you have the email to refer to when you are trying to remember the discussion. Group discussions are made easier since you don't have to try and get the people physically together at the same time.

We can get emails asking questions or requesting items for purchase. We set up an email address for teachers to alert us when they have particular assignments coming up, but I don't think that gets used as much as we would like.

IM and Text Messaging: Could be useful.

We don't have any IM set up for the library. I suppose we could have something set up with the reference people. It doesn't seem like something people would use a lot.

Technology elsewhere: Brilliant!

I email and IM at home all the time. IM'ing is a lovely cheap way to talk to someone across the country without a huge phone bill.

I use Trillian which is a program that collects your different IM id's from AIM or whatever and you can sign in to however many id's as you wish. Very handy.

Text messaging bewilders me somewhat. Plus I would have to have my phone handy all the time. I can barely manage to keep my phone charged!

I have attended some Webinars. One was about how to use our Bookletter website/program. That was fun.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Thing 6

Ok, I can see a lot more uses for an image generator than I do for the mashups.

A friend drew the picture for me a while ago. And you do need to use a fairly big photo...

This one is the Bead Art function. I used an icon I made based on a picture from "The Misadventures of Hello Cthulhu."

This is from Image Chef: - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Monday, February 4, 2008

Slight side comment

I do have one peeve with Blogger and Wordpress. Their templates, by and large, don't have a "Comment here" link, the way LJ/IJ/GJ, etc. Instead most of the templates just have a "0 comments" link, which you are supposed to click to make a comment. Not very intuitive.

EDITED TO ADD: My collegue pointed out that most people won't know what I was referring to above:
LJ = Livejournal
IJ = InsaneJournal
GJ = GreatestJournal

These are other blog/journals I have used. They all seem to use the same codes and templates.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Thing 5

I am not sure I would consider mashups the height of creativity,but they are entertaining.

Here is a link to my splashr. I tried posting it as part of the blog but it was too big.

My Presentation

Found this on the Big Huge labs site.

My creation

It might be fun to use these kinds of tools to make pictures for displays and such. Photosharing can be fun. It might be fun (if there was time or something) to have a group share an account and then put all the pictures together.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Timothy Hunter vs Harry Potter

Ok. Trying a different approach. I somehow attached my 23 things blog to my flickr account so if I like a picture I can click on the "Blog this" button.

I like Harry Potter and The Books of Magic. That the two main characters are similar is just a coincidence, I think.

Let's see how this works.